Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Your Next Car

Gone are the days when you had to hop from one dealership to another to choose a car of your choice. In the modern era; technology has come to everyone’s rescue. You can now look for a car of your choice online and book it likewise. You can also get easy Auto loans to support your purchase. But if you are willing to buy your next car, there are a few things your must be sure of, before you do so.

  • Cars have a known depreciation rate. Therefore before you buy your next car, calculate if the interest you pay on your car loan is feasible for you or not. Also note that the longer time you take to pay it off, the more will the interest be.
  • Before you decide or finalize the cost of your new car it will be better to calculate the trade-in value of your current car. You must be aware of the same so that you know how much to expect for it, from the dealer.
  • You must research well about the interest rates on your auto loans. You might often have seen that when auto companies advertize they tell you how much you will have to pay every month. However the trick here is that, the interest rate is where most of the cost lies. It does not matter what you pay every month but infact what matters is how much you pay over the years.
  • Unless your income increases, you should not take a new auto loan until the old one is paid off. However if you are someone who has a fetish for new cars then you must watch out for the sharp depreciation in cars and the interest costs associated with it.
  • If you buy a new car but fail to afford it, this could be a troublesome situation. So it is highly suggested that you beforehand calculate and watch for the operating expenses, insurance, gas mileage, annual excise taxes, and other costs of ownership.

For any details regarding auto loans, contact us at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union at 3305 E Elms Road, Killeen, TX 76542, Phone: 254-690-2274.

Cheap Auto Loan - 72 Month Auto Financing

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