For most people the first step when they decide to get a new car is to get a secured auto loan. Financing the purchase through a lending institution can help you tackle what can otherwise be a huge expense and hassle. To avoid paying a hefty periodic interest rate you should consider financing the vehicle from a credit union instead of a bank, as it is more cost effective and pro community. The benefits of a secured loan greatly outnumber those of an unsecured loan.
- The interest rates are much lesser in case of a secured loan as you put up an asset as collateral. It is an affordable scheme you should be confident to repay the loan. The nominal interest rates make the repayment convenient.
- It is easier to get a secured loan sanctioned as the lending institution does not hesitate to sign it with collateral in hand. On many occasions, getting the loan sanctioned is the biggest obstacle and you wind up having to wait for months to make sure that it is approved. Credit Unions are also very lenient in case of people who opt for a secured loan. You can borrow a favorable amount when you put up a property as collateral as there is no limit to the amount of money the credit unions are willing to lend.
- Apart from all this the repayment period is also flexible and you can pay the loan back over a longer duration of time. This means less pressure, less monthly installments and more peace of mind for you. Even the interest rates are not fixed for secured borrowers. As long as you have a decent flow of monthly income, some property to show and a decent credit history, you should take advantage of the above mentioned benefits offered by secured loans.
- A credit union is the most suitable place to get a loan from. Not only are the interest rates lower but the level of service is also top notch and backed by friendly staff members. Apart from borrowing money you can also get all other financial and banking needs catered to at credit unions.
We at the Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union can help you with your secured loan and clear any doubts that you may have. You can call us at (254) 690 – 227.