Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Factors Affecting Tenure Period For Your Loan

The tenure period of your auto loan is a major point to consider when finalizing the terms of the loan. Amidst the excitement of purchasing a new car, it is easy to overlook the importance of duration of the loan. Here is a look at the major factors that determine the ideal tenure period of your loan:

  • Total Amount Of Interest Paid: Even though a long tenure can seem enticing due to the lower monthly payments, it is important to take into account the total amount of interest that you will be paying over the entire duration of the loan. Longer tenures mean a higher amount of interest and vice versa.
  • Loan Amount – The tenure period also depends on the amount of loan you take and your capacity to repay it. Again the amount of loan that you take depends on the car you wish to get financed. Generally, higher the amount of loan that you take, more will be the time you would need to repay without disturbing your monthly budget. If your sole reason for choosing a long-term loan is to own an expensive car, then it is prudent to opt for a cheaper car, or a used one. This could mean being able to afford the monthly payments for a shorter time period.
  • Income Of The Person – The tenure period depends on the amount of money or installment that a person can pay on monthly basis. This further depends on the income as well as expenditures of a person. Make sure that you opt for a loan period that requires you to pay an amount of installment which you can comfortably pay off on a monthly basis.
  • Resale Value: The resale value of your vehicle keeps decreasing, the longer you keep it. This is an important consideration before signing up for a long-tenure loan. Trying to sell your car at the end of a 3-year loan term is sure to be a lot easier than after a 5 or 7-year period.

The tenure period of your loan is of high importance, since it could have a tremendous impact on your present as well as long-term finances.

When it comes to taking loans then credit unions are your best bet. The members enjoy a number of benefits and are offered low interest rate loans with flexible repayment options. Also the staff members assist people throughout in deciding what is best for them. For more information, visit Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union at 3305 E Elms Road, Killeen, TX 76542. You can call at (254) 690 – 2274.

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GCTFCU Blog | Unsecured Vs. Secured Auto Loans
Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Unsecured Vs. Secured Auto Loans

If you are contemplating on getting an auto loan, there are numerous options available for you. You need to thoroughly research and establish the background of the type of auto loan you want to opt for. Auto loans are basically divided into two categories: secured and unsecured. Before you select an option for yourself, it is better to understand the difference between the two.

Secured Auto Loan:

A secured auto loan is the one in which your asset is used as collateral in case you fail to pay back the mortgage amount along with the interest. In an auto loan, the security is generally your car. This means your lender can sell off your car if you do not return the loan amount.

  • Interest rate: In a secured auto loan, the interest rate does not vary over a period of time. The advantage here is that since secured auto loans are mostly given on a fixed rate and your repayment amounts do not get altered.
  • Loan term: A secured auto loan generally has a shorter repayment term. However, since the risk is minimal in this case, so you are likely to get a lower interest rate.
Unsecured Auto Loan:

If you opt for an unsecured auto loan, you will not be required to give any security from your side. The lender approves the loan on the basis of your current financial resources. Every lending organization has its own criteria to conclude if you are fit for an unsecured loan or not.

  • Interest rate: When it comes to an unsecured auto loan, the rate of interest can either be fixed or variable. This is unlike the secured auto loans where there is only a fixed rate of interest. Although the rate of interest is higher, you can choose between fixed and variable depending on your financial condition. While a variable rate of interest will give you more flexibility, you can also opt for the fixed rate of interest if you have complete control over your finances.
  • Loan term: The loan term for an unsecured auto loan can be short as well as long on the basis of individual assessment.
Both types of loans have their own advantages and you must choose what is best suitable for your individual situation.

We, at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union, offer unsecured and secured auto loans in Central Texas. For more information, feel free to call us at (254) 690 – 2274.
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GCTFCU Blog | Credit Union: An Affordable Financial Institution
Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Credit Union: An Affordable Financial Institution

Credit unions are cooperative financial institutions that are owned and managed by their members.  They are preferred by many due to their affordable financial services and products. They offer a variety of convenient personal services, attractive rates and fees, shared branching and flexible terms & conditions.

Let us delve deeper into understanding the working of credit unions and what they have to offer:

  • They are Non-Profit Organizations: Credit unions accept deposits from members and offer loans without any intention of making profits. Due to the fact that they are non-profit organizations, they offer loans at low interest rates and higher rates for deposits.
  • Operating Principles: Credit unions operate with the intention of pooling financial resources for the benefit of members. Their operating principles revolve around voluntary membership, non-discrimination, serving members, building financial stability, social responsibility and democratic control.
  • Services Provided: Some of the services offered by most credit unions include but are not limited to payroll deduction, online access, MasterCard Gift Cards, ACH origination, ATM, Bill Pay, Wire Transfer, Direct Deposit, Notary Service, savings and investments, lending services (secured and unsecured loans), Traditional and Roth IRAs, Club accounts (Christmas and Vacation), Overdraft protection and more.
  • Reasons For Joining A Credit Union: Credit union members enjoy benefits such as low fees, higher interest rates, excellent customer service, member-centric services, community support, security of deposits (regulation by the National Credit Union Administration; every account is insured up to $250,000), financial literacy and independence, easy qualification, easily approachable in spite of a low credit score etc.
In conclusion, the fact that credit unions are member-owned non-profits plays a prime role in making them affordable financial institutions. Their member-centric approach as opposed to a profit-centric one makes it possible to offer loan products at lower rates, higher rates of interest on savings, access to low-fee checking accounts and more. They are the best option for millennials who are just starting to make financial decisions and require guidance to manage and control their funds without spending much on fees and interest.

Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union offers a variety of financial services including savings accounts, secured/unsecured auto loans, etc. to its members. For more details on credit union, visit 3305 E. Elms Rd., Killeen, TX - 76542. You can also call at (254) 690 – 2274.

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