Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

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GCTFCU Blog | Do's And Don’ts For Home Loan In Killeen, TX
Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Do's And Don’ts For Home Loan In Killeen, TX

Getting a loan for your dream home can be tricky because you need to be aware of all the procedures and documentation involved. Before applying for a home loan in Killeen, TX, be clear about your budget and the term period for which you want the loan. Below is a detailed list of various do’s and don’ts that you must follow:


  • Know what you can afford: Before submitting the application, you need to finalize the home that you want to buy. The value of your home will have a direct impact on your monthly loan payments. Evaluate all your expenses to determine the amount that you can easily pay towards the home loan every month. Make sure you choose a home that suits your budget.
  • Conduct thorough research: You need to conduct proper research while choosing your loan. Check all the options and available loan plans from various financial institutions before making any decision. It is wise to choose a loan that allows you to prepay the amount at any point of time without levying any additional charge.
  • Keep your EMIs unaltered: It is best to choose a loan which has unaltered EMIs as you will not have to worry about variation in interest rates during the tenure of the loan. If you are in a position to prepay the loan at any point of time during your loan period, request for a reduction in the number of your EMIs. Therefore, always settle on an EMI that you can comfortably pay without putting a burden on your pocket.

  • Change jobs before closing the home loan: It is imperative not to change jobs till your home loan is closed. Make sure you talk to your mortgage provider before taking this step of changing your job and ask if it would have any effect on the terms and conditions of your loan.
  • Ignore additional costs: Apart from the home loan and interest, you may also have to incur other charges such as brokerage fees, loan fees, stamp duty etc. Therefore, do not forget to keep a check on the additional costs while finalizing your budget for the home loan.
  • Make a hasty or uniformed decision: It is best not to make a hasty decision while deciding the loan plan. Get a quote from at least three home loan providers in Killeen before choosing the one that suits you the best.
We, at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union, offer low interest home loans in Killeen. For more information, you can call us at (254) 690 – 2274.
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