Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Choosing The Right Auto Loan

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Questions You Should Ask Before Buying Auto Loan

The process of buying a new or used car with the help of an auto loan is fairly simple if done under the guidance of a professional with in-depth knowledge of the requirements and procedure involved. Apart from being well-informed of your financial status such as monthly net income, credit score, etc. you should be equipped with the right kind of questions to ask before getting the auto loan.

Listed below are some questions an auto loan buyer should ask before getting one:

  • What Is The Interest Rate? The first question to ask is about the rate of interest for the auto loan. Interest rates for auto loans are expressed in the form of a percentage (Annual Percentage Rate). Owing a small amount of auto loans translates into a lower interest rate and vice versa. The aim of getting this information is to look for an auto loan that suits your financial requirements.
  • What Is The Amount Of Down Payment Required? Next, ask about the requirement and amount of down payment for the auto loan. The amount of down payment is equivalent to a certain percentage of the vehicle’s selling price. A borrower can either put down the minimum amount of down payment required or more as per the amount he can afford to put down.
  • What Would Be The Total Cost Of Loan For You? Get a clear picture of the total amount you have to pay for the vehicle by financing it. The total cost includes the down payment, loan principal and the interest part on the loan. It also includes loan processing fees and other fees if any.
  • What Is The Duration Of The Financing Period? Auto loans usually last for 36 to 72 months which directly impacts the amount of interest to be paid. So, depending on your budget, ask for an auto loan that is affordable in terms of interest. Short-term loans cost less as far as interest is concerned whereas long-term loans are easier for those on a budget.

Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union offers affordable auto loans to its members. For more details on questions to ask before buying auto loans, visit 3305 E. Elms Rd., Killeen, TX - 76542. You can also call at (254) 690 – 2274.

How Do Auto Loans Work From Credit Unions?

Auto loans from credit unions are preferred by most people due to their affordability and streamlined qualification procedures. The process of getting an auto loan from a credit union is relatively convenient and personalized. Credit union auto loans offer flexibility as far as interest rates and loan options are concerned.

If you are considering getting an auto loan from a credit union, following are some points as to how these loans work:

  • Members Are Shareholders: Once you are a member of a credit union, you are deemed to be a shareholder and not a customer. This is because credit unions are meant to serve their members (shareholders) with financial services at reasonable rates.
  • Individualized Attention: Credit unions aim to make it convenient for members to avail financial services. Due to this, they offer individualized attention as far as meeting loan requirements is concerned. A credit union member, who is interested in an auto loan, can get information as per his unique requirements either online, by visiting the branch.
  • Types Of Auto Loans: You can get a secured loan for new autos and used autos with variable APR rates and terms. You can get secured auto loans and Share Secured Loans. Unsecured auto loans are also available with variable APR rates.
  • Interest Rates: Members of a credit union looking for auto loans are provided with a variety of options to compare and assess. In most cases, credit unions offer auto loans at affordable rates of interest as compared to other financial institutions.
  • Other Services: In addition to auto loans, credit unions offer a variety of other services. These services include Savings Account, Payroll Deduction, ATM, Bill Pay, Wire Transfer, ACH Origination, MasterCard Gift Cards, MasterCard Cash Advance, Direct Deposit, Regular Share Savings Account, Share Certificates of Deposit, IRAs and Club Accounts.

Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union offers auto loans to its members. Members can seek assistance from the loan officers to understand the working and requirements of auto loans. The credit union also educates its members on ways to improve their financial health. For further details on the working of auto loans, visit 3305 E. Elms Rd., Killeen, TX – 76542. You can also call at (254) 690 – 2274. 

How To Apply For Secured Auto Loans

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GCTFCU Blog | Do's And Don’ts For Home Loan In Killeen, TX
Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Do's And Don’ts For Home Loan In Killeen, TX

Getting a loan for your dream home can be tricky because you need to be aware of all the procedures and documentation involved. Before applying for a home loan in Killeen, TX, be clear about your budget and the term period for which you want the loan. Below is a detailed list of various do’s and don’ts that you must follow:


  • Know what you can afford: Before submitting the application, you need to finalize the home that you want to buy. The value of your home will have a direct impact on your monthly loan payments. Evaluate all your expenses to determine the amount that you can easily pay towards the home loan every month. Make sure you choose a home that suits your budget.
  • Conduct thorough research: You need to conduct proper research while choosing your loan. Check all the options and available loan plans from various financial institutions before making any decision. It is wise to choose a loan that allows you to prepay the amount at any point of time without levying any additional charge.
  • Keep your EMIs unaltered: It is best to choose a loan which has unaltered EMIs as you will not have to worry about variation in interest rates during the tenure of the loan. If you are in a position to prepay the loan at any point of time during your loan period, request for a reduction in the number of your EMIs. Therefore, always settle on an EMI that you can comfortably pay without putting a burden on your pocket.

  • Change jobs before closing the home loan: It is imperative not to change jobs till your home loan is closed. Make sure you talk to your mortgage provider before taking this step of changing your job and ask if it would have any effect on the terms and conditions of your loan.
  • Ignore additional costs: Apart from the home loan and interest, you may also have to incur other charges such as brokerage fees, loan fees, stamp duty etc. Therefore, do not forget to keep a check on the additional costs while finalizing your budget for the home loan.
  • Make a hasty or uniformed decision: It is best not to make a hasty decision while deciding the loan plan. Get a quote from at least three home loan providers in Killeen before choosing the one that suits you the best.
We, at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union, offer low interest home loans in Killeen. For more information, you can call us at (254) 690 – 2274.
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GCTFCU Blog | Unsecured Signature Loans For Bad Credit
Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Unsecured Signature Loans For Bad Credit

Signature loans can prove to be a good option for people who do not have anything to be kept as collateral. Nowadays, certain financial institutions give out signature loans even to individuals with history of bad credit. As the name implies, these loans are granted on account of the applicant’s signature. There is no need to give any collateral or security for the loan. In case of you plan to buy a vehicle, signature Auto Loans can prove to be a good bet.

Signature Auto loans are exceptionally helpful to people who have poor credit but wish to buy a vehicle. In case of such loans, the process of loan approval is very quick. The loan providers generally approve the loan instantly, provided the borrower has a steady job and a fixed monthly income. These loans are normally approved for a fixed period. Other than for buying a vehicle, signature loans are also available in form of holiday loan, student loan, home improvements loans, business loans or debt consolidation.

What you need to know about Signature Loans:

  • Understand the type of loan. There is nothing special about it. You are just borrowing money without a security. As a result, you will be charged a little higher than average interest rate.
  • Pay off any debt that you presently have before applying for a signature loan. You should not be a defaulter in your payments. You should be paying your bills in timely manner in order to crack a good deal.  The more you pay your credit card bills, the better it gets.
  • Search for bad credit signature loans that have low fees and rates of interests. In essence, you should be able to pay off what you borrowed. There is no point in taking a loan that you cannot repay.
  • Borrow a limited amount of money. Your loan should not be more than a third part of your income. This way you can easily manage your debt as well as keep yourself financially stable.

These tips if kept in mind can prove to be very useful while going for an unsecured bad credit signature loan. Even though they are for your benefit only, still you should know how to make the best use of it. To obtain cheap secured as well as unsecured loans, contact Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union at 254-690-2274.

Cheap Auto Loan - 72 Month Auto Financing

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GCTFCU Blog | Financing Your Car With Credit Union In Killeen
Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

Financing Your Car With Credit Union In Killeen

If you are planning to purchase a new or used car, financing it must be on your mind. A credit union is one of the safest and easiest ways to procure a car loan. You can choose from a wide range of loan plans, depending upon your budget and financing requirements.  

Here are some benefits of first approaching your local credit union in Killeen, TX for an auto loan:

  • Chances of approval are more: Credit union is open to listening to the back stories of its members and then deciding on the loan terms. If you are worried about little or no credit history, you may discuss your concerns with the staff and figure out the best way to get the desired loan amount.
  • Convenience: The inter-personal approach of the credit union makes it convenient to apply for the loan even before you make the purchase. A pre-approved loan in your hand helps you to fix the budget for the car and spend prudently.
  • Competitive interest rate: Credit union offers low interest rates which keep your monthly payouts on lower side. Since they know credit history of their members closely they are likely to keep their interests in mind before sanctioning the loan.
  • Bundling: If you have an ongoing loan with the credit union , such as for your home, your interest rate may further be lowered, making it a better deal for you as they encourage bundling.
  • Personal touch: A credit union is a non-profit organization that works for the community. You can get proper knowledge and education about all financing tools in a personal manner at a credit union. The staff takes the time to help clients understand the loan details in order to make a well-informed decision.
  • Educated advice: Credit union has dedicated financial experts who are committed to provide information about financial products to the members. Their aim is to keep everyone informed of new policies and rates. This non-sales approach helps the members to build confidence.
  • Provide stability: Credit union is operated by the members and for the members. They plough back all their profits back in to improving the services for members. This gives them stability and they are not likely to be affected by profit motives.
Research all available options thoroughly before making up your mind. Compare interest rates and terms of loan by reading all documents carefully.

We, at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union, offer affordable auto loans in Killeen, TX. For more information, you can call us at (254) 690 – 2274.
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