Before considering applying for a home loan, there are a few things that need to be understood to get the loan you want. Carefully thinking about what might adversely affect your home loan can save you from a lot of hassles like irregularities in payment of installments, unpaid balance on credit cards etc. Applying for a loan for home can be very stressing and therefore, after carefully analyzing your financial position and credit history should one consider applying for a home loan. Below are some of the do's and don'ts that must be followed to make the home loan process smoother.
- All the loan and debt payments should be made on time to keep your credit history clean. Not adhering to this rule deliberately reduces the credit score. This credit score determines what amount of home loan you will get if you manage to get one.
- Credit card payments can be missed but payments of installments of other mortgages like auto loan should be prioritized. It shows that you pay installments on time. After looking at the performance of similar mortgage loans, the credit scoring system will assign you the score. Credit card payments can be made later as they have fluctuating balances.
- To avoid raising any red flag, your credit card transactions should be normal like before and should not be stopped immediately.
- Any inconsistencies, inaccuracy and missing information should be removed from the credit reports to make it clean of negative data.
- Unpaid balance in credit cards should be paid off to the point that balance ratio becomes less than 30%.
- Loan approval process can be impacted by your job stability. If you are constantly changing jobs and changing positioning in a company it might hurt the approval of your home loan.
- Any major purchases like car, lines of credit for furniture, expensive gadgets should be avoided. This also impacts your credit score and hamper your chances to get your loan approved.
- Purchase of clothes for family should be limited. Instead of buying clothes at every occasion, they can be bought at one or two occasions.
- A new credit card should not be opened. New credit card adds additional inquiry into your credit score which kills chances of getting a home loan.
- Previous credit card accounts should not be closed either. It has a negative impact on your credit score.
- Some people get a new loan while applying for a home loan. It looks bad with the underwriters and must be avoided.
Home loans applications can be rejected if the borrower doesn't comply with some of the tips mentioned above. No change in number, accounts, address should be made to avoid getting the applications rejected.
We, at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union, offer home loans at very low interest rates. Interested individuals can contact us at (254)-690-2274 for more information or visit us at 3305 E. Elms Rd., Killeen, TX 76542.
Credit unions are non-profit organizations that provide savings, credit and financial services to their members including savings and checking accounts, loans, mortgages etc. Rather than depending on outside capital, they pool deposits from their members and finance loans to their borrowers. They are different from other institutions in the way that they are member owned institutions. Getting a home loan from a credit union is a better option for those looking out for low interest rates. They provide affordable financial services to their customers.Credit unions keep their mortgage loans in their own investment portfolios and do not have to follow any regulations about keeping those loans. They are a great way of saving money and offer some of the best loan packages in the industry. The following points discuss why using a credit union for a home loan can be enormously beneficial -
- As a member owned institution, their focus is different than other institutions and look for the best interest of their credit members.
- They have been exempted from paying any taxes because they do not invest their borrower’s money in the market which makes them non-profit. This gives them an edge as they provide competitive rates and due to this, the borrowers can get low interest rates when financing through a credit union on home loans, mortgages and higher rates on savings accounts.
- Credit Unions charge low or no fee from their customers for applying for a home loan.
- They are more service oriented towards their customers. They offer personalized services to their borrowers and help them conveniently apply for a home loan. They maintain communication with them by responding to their phone calls, emails/letters and understanding their requirements.
- Credit Unions set their own income requirements and there is a higher possibility of approving home loans for those who have minimum income but wish to apply for a home loan. As a member of a credit union, chances of approval of a home loan are high.
- They offer a full range of mortgage solutions while applying for a home loan. There is a variety of conventional home loans options available and borrowers can choose whichever applies to them.
- Credit Unions help make applying for home loans faster, especially if the borrowers have a history with them. Securing a home loan becomes easier and good financial relationships are made.
Moreover, there are no penalties for paying the home loan amount early and home loans can be paid back through a variety of channels, like direct from your salary via payroll deduction.
Home loans enable you to purchase your dream house while not having to make a large one time investment. It helps you instead by letting you stagger payments monthly over a set duration of time. Taking out a home loan can be a relatively complicated process, depending on market conditions and your own requirements. There are a lot of things to consider, including the amount of the loan, the conditions and duration of repayment, the rate of interest you will be charged and the amount of the monthly payments you will have to make. While for most people, the procedure might go off without a hitch, there are a number of mistakes that can significantly increase the amount of time and hassle involved. Avoiding these mistakes will surely put you in a better position to get your home loan processed smoothly and fast.
- Getting a Credit Score – The one thing you should never forget while applying for a home loan is to get a comprehensive credit score. You should use the service of a reputed and effective credit rating agency to get your credit evaluated and to make sure that your credit score is free of errors. In fact, it is a good idea to get a credit score sheet out periodically so you can stay on top of your credit records.
- Avoid other Loans –While applying for a home loan, make sure that you do not apply for other kinds of credit at the same time. For at least a time period of six months before your home loan application gets through, you need to ensure that you do not apply for other kinds of credit like personal or auto loans. This might lead to your loan application getting cancelled.
- Check your Source – When applying for a home loan, make sure that you perform thorough checks on the institution that you are considering for the loan. Carefully check the terms of the loan and go through all the documents carefully before deciding on a particular loan. You can also hire the services of Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union that helps get secured home loans and provides assistance through the entire process.
- Consider Pre-approval – If you have had a successful and long relationship with an institution, you might be eligible for a pre-approved home loan. These loans take less time and paperwork to process, and make the processes much smoother altogether. You should not miss the chance to grab a pre-approved home loan offer if you can get your hands on one.
To procure quick and affordable home loan in Central Texas, visit us at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union. We are located at 3305 E Elms Road, Killeen, TX 76542. You can also call us at (254) 690 - 2274.
More and more prospective homebuyers are relying on credit unions for home loans these days, as the credit unions offer a variety of plans and benefits to the members. Besides competitive rates, the credit unions offer low closing costs and their loan programs are ideal to meet typical financial needs. Here are some reasons that make credit unions a good source for home loans in Killeen TX.
- Better Chances of home approvals: It is a fact that the credit unions are more considerate towards you as a member. They listen to your reasons and offer a quick approval. Even if you had problem with your credits in the past, credit unions are ready to make adjustment in the loan terms for the members. This definitely is one of the major reasons that people seek loan from credit unions now a days.
- Lower rates of interests: The major reason that people are counting on credit unions for their home loans is lower rate of interests. Besides lower banking fees, they require lower balance. This makes them the first choice of union members who want to apply for home loan, or any other loan.
- Personalized service: Credit unions are members oriented. They are nonprofit organizations that help the members for the growth of the community. The aim of a credit union is to provide members with quality customer services. As, all the decisions are made by the volunteer board members, so they have a personalized approach. You can easily tell them your concerns about your loan and flexibility that you desire in your payment options. The credit unions often consider your issues and work with your best interests in focus.
- Low closing costs and time: Getting home loans from credit unions involve less paper work and bureaucratic formalities. It takes less time to get the loan from the credit union and it involves low closing costs.
- Guidance: The credit unions have their resource centers where you can get all the required information regarding your home loan. The guides available there at the center help you take better decisions. Whether you have already taken a loan or applying for the first time, you can get reliable answers to your queries here.
- Non-profit: The credit unions have non-sales approach, as they do not work for profits. The unions work for the advantage of members and are not driven to make profit by selling anything. Their all profits return to the members in the form of lower rates
If you are thinking of buying a used car for the family but are not yet ready to make a large one-time investment, it makes sense to go for a used car auto loan. With a used car auto loan, the vehicle you purchase costs much less to begin with and your loan provides you with a way to scatter payments into comfortable and easy monthly installments thus enabling you to start using your car immediately without having to worry about one-time payments. There are a number of things to consider when you want to finance a used car. Knowing about these factors can help you make a wiser, smarter decision and make the process smooth and easy.
Initial Considerations
The first thing you need to determine before you can start the process of getting a used car auto loan is to set a concrete budget. Remember to include all possible components in your budget likes local sales tax, licensing fees and car titling fees. If you calculate these costs ahead of time it will really help to figure out the value of the used car that you finally choose.
The next step is to choose a used vehicle and determine its exact current value accurately. Make sure that you get a fair price and have the vehicle assessed by professionals, if there is need for that. To know more about the condition of the vehicle in question, you can ask for a history report from the previous owners which would tell you about usage records, servicing records and records of accidents if any. This helps you foresee potential problems in the future which can turn out to be costly.
Getting a Used Car Auto Loan
When all the initial steps have been taken care of, you can then move onto the actual process of getting a used car auto loan. Keep a close eye on your budget and figure out how much you want to spend monthly. Another thing to watch out for is the interest rate which you will be charged with a used car auto loan. Make sure that your monthly payment figure and the rate of interest is favorable to you and enables you to smoothly make monthly payments with convenience and by staying within your original budget. On figuring these things out, the only thing that remains to be done is to complete the actual paperwork and you will have the money to buy the used car of your choice.
For most people the first step when they decide to get a new car is to get a secured auto loan. Financing the purchase through a lending institution can help you tackle what can otherwise be a huge expense and hassle. To avoid paying a hefty periodic interest rate you should consider financing the vehicle from a credit union instead of a bank, as it is more cost effective and pro community. The benefits of a secured loan greatly outnumber those of an unsecured loan.
- The interest rates are much lesser in case of a secured loan as you put up an asset as collateral. It is an affordable scheme you should be confident to repay the loan. The nominal interest rates make the repayment convenient.
- It is easier to get a secured loan sanctioned as the lending institution does not hesitate to sign it with collateral in hand. On many occasions, getting the loan sanctioned is the biggest obstacle and you wind up having to wait for months to make sure that it is approved. Credit Unions are also very lenient in case of people who opt for a secured loan. You can borrow a favorable amount when you put up a property as collateral as there is no limit to the amount of money the credit unions are willing to lend.
- Apart from all this the repayment period is also flexible and you can pay the loan back over a longer duration of time. This means less pressure, less monthly installments and more peace of mind for you. Even the interest rates are not fixed for secured borrowers. As long as you have a decent flow of monthly income, some property to show and a decent credit history, you should take advantage of the above mentioned benefits offered by secured loans.
- A credit union is the most suitable place to get a loan from. Not only are the interest rates lower but the level of service is also top notch and backed by friendly staff members. Apart from borrowing money you can also get all other financial and banking needs catered to at credit unions.
We at the Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union can help you with your secured loan and clear any doubts that you may have. You can call us at (254) 690 – 227.
Buying a car is a major long-term investment for families and involves a significant outlay of funds and careful consideration as to where those funds come from. For most families, taking out an auto loan is a viable and wise option as it gives them the adequate funds to make an outright purchase while scattering the actual payment over a period of time with monthly payments, thereby lessening the financial pressure on them by a considerable margin. Auto loans are easily available with the bare minimum of hassle if applied for by an experienced credit union. Auto loans can be of two broad kinds- secured auto loans and unsecured auto loans and the basic difference lies in the fact that with secure auto loans the vehicle that is being purchased is taken into consideration as collateral for the loan amount and there is no collateral in case of an unsecured auto loan. While you decide which kind of loan you want to apply for, it is useful to know about the fundamental differences between these two kinds of auto loans and what each of them would imply for you.
Secured Auto Loans
In a secured auto loan, the car you purchase is worked into the loan agreement as collateral for the loan. Therefore, the party providing the loan retains all rights over the vehicle and you get the right to use the vehicle for your purposes. Once the loan is repaid fully, you receive the ownership rights to the car which is then transferred to your name.
Since the lender in listed as the lien holder in case of a secured auto loan, you need to maintain comprehensive coverage insurance on the vehicle until all loan dues are paid off. If you cannot make payments on time or fail to make them, the lien holder can ask the car to be returned. Inability to do so will cause the car to be legally repossessed to pay off for the remainder of the loan. The upsides are that interest rates are usually low and it is easy to get a loan approved for large amounts, thus enabling you to get the model of car you want.
Unsecured Auto Loans
These loans do not have any collateral mentioned, which means that once you purchase your car you can assume ownership of it immediately. Also, you are free to choose the kind of insurance coverage you want for your car. There is no possibility of an event where your car can be claimed or repossessed but the interest rates for unsecured auto loans can be relatively higher and approval processes might be a little more rigorous than those for secured auto loans.
We at Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union can help you apply for a car loan in Killeen and deal with all the details. We can be contacted at (254) 690 – 227.
Many people today are turning to credit unions in Killeen TX when it comes to obtaining secured loans for housing, automobiles, and other needs. This shift towards credit unions from the conventional ways of banking can be best explained by the many benefits that they offer. Read on to know how joining a credit union can prove to be beneficial for you.
- Firstly, credit unions are out there in the market not to make profit, but serve their customers. They offer reliable services to customers at affordable fees. Banks on the other hand are known for charging considerably high charges for providing services to customers. Hence, many people today prefer to become a member of a credit union.
- Another advantage of joining a credit union is that it will provide you higher rates of return on your savings account. In addition. If you go in for a secured loan in Killeen through a credit union, you are liable to pay lower rates of interest as compared to a bank. Both these factors make it a win-win situation for the customer to readily become a member of a credit union. Credit unions pass on their savings into their entire product line, leading to lower interest rates.
- While banks furnish a minimum balance requirement when it comes to ensuring the continuity of an account, it is not the case with a credit union. There are no big numbers on the amount of money to be kept for running the account. You can easily operate accounts with negligible balance.
- ATM accessibility is another major benefit of joining a credit union. Credit unions in and around Central Texas have their own shared ATMs and branches, which means that you can get cash any time and any where you need. This can be an impediment when it comes to banks which have an ATM facility only next to the place where their branch is located.
- Credit unions also offer many free services in addition to the conventional loan offerings that they provide. For instance, many credit unions conduct free seminars based on various financial topics for their members. This is just one instance. There are many other free services offered by credit unions for which a bank will charge money. Hence, people see it to be more profitable to become a member of a credit union.
So join a credit union today, and enjoy the above mentioned benefits and advantages as you go about managing and dealing with money.
If you are planning to finance your new automobile or car, going in for a credit union is a good option. Obtaining a secured auto loan through a credit union in Central Texas is a far simpler and faster process. It has its own set of advantages that guarantee you peace of mind. Read on to know how credit unions are serving the needs of cheap auto loan of people residing in various communities of Texas.
- The biggest benefit of getting a secured auto loan through a credit union is the competitive interest rates on offer. These are much lower as compared to conventional sources of raising funds, such as banks. Therefore, with an auto loan from a credit union, you can be assured of lower paybacks in the form of interest.
- Loan approval is a major factor when it comes to applying for an auto loan. Many financial institutions take a lot of time for the loan approval process. The formalities to be completed along with the documents to be furnished are very time-consuming. But when you go in for an auto loan from a credit union, you can be assured of loan approval to be as quickly as possible. The process is comparatively faster and saves up a lot of your precious time before you lay your hands on your dream automobile.
- Credit unions are also advantageous when it comes to the convenience factor for consumers. A credit union can offer you an auto loan that suits your specific needs and requirements. With credit unions, customers can apply for loans online while sitting in the comfortable environment of their home. Should you have any queries, you can always call up the customer helpdesk to get them resolved at a time suitable to you.
For a secured auto loan in Central Texas, there is collateral to be offered as a security against the loan. The collateral is kept in a safe place and is returned back to the customer.
Whether it is the quest for buying a new automobile or a second-hand one, customers always want a safe way of making their payments. Consistency is an important factor as nobody wants to have loan repayment structures that keep on changing with time. With a credit union, all these factors are taken care of.
The real estate industry in Killeen, Texas is buzzing today with many people looking to buy the house of their dreams here. Whether it is an apartment, villa, or any other property, buying a house is considered as a good investment. Financing a house can be tricky at times; of course you have savings from your hard-earned money, but there is always an option of getting a secured loan Read on to know how a credit union can help you with getting the requisite financial resources for buying your new house.
- The home loans offered by credit unions come at typically lower interest rates. In addition, there are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to an interest rate that best suits your pocket. Lower interest rates mean guaranteed peace of mind as you enter into your new house and live freely with family and friends.
- Credit unions offer fast approval of home loans as compared to the conventional sources of financing the purchase of house. Getting a loan sanctioned can be a tedious and time consuming process and today nobody has time to waste. With credit unions in Killeen TX you can benefit from applying online for loans and getting them sanctioned at the earliest possible time. It can be done from the comfort of office or home.
- Another factor is availability. With a credit union, the clients do not have to worry about timings; they can apply for loans and get them sanctioned as and when it is convenient for them and not worry about opening and closing times.
- To apply for a home loan in Killeen TX, many credit unions offer helpline numbers that are functional round the clock. As a customer, you may have valid concerns and queries related to your loan; a credit union will appropriately address those at a time convenient to you.
- The loan solutions offered by credit unions are highly unbiased. Every dealing is done keeping in mind the requirements and budget of individual customers. These days, credit unions also offer the option of secured loans wherein you can pledge assets as collaterals to obtain the loan. This is a good way of financing the purchase of your house.
So if you are looking to get a home loan at competitive rates for purchasing a house, a credit union is your best option.